Welcome to KARMA.ST

Hey, This blog is for no-one and everyone. Everything is written straight from my reality, my world.

mÄndag, augusti 21, 2023

Mitt Speedtest videoresultat

Kolla in resultatet av mitt Speedtest! https://www.speedtest.net/my-result/av/69aee122-0e39-4152-bd92-249bb5372fa0

lördag, augusti 05, 2023

Mitt Speedtest videoresultat

Kolla in resultatet av mitt Speedtest! https://www.speedtest.net/my-result/av/69aee122-0e39-4152-bd92-249bb5372fa0

Andronix App @Termux @MUIU

Xiaomi Mi T11 Pro 
Device Information 
App Version 7.1-rc1-release 
Version Code 96
Device Manufacturer Xiaomi 
Device Name vili 
Device Model  2107113SG 
Device Brand Xiaomi 
Android Version 13 
CPU Arch aarch64 
Storage Total 224.18GB 
Storage Free 104.73GB 
RAM Total 7.05GB 
Is Device Rooted false




#karma #hss #1312 #now #today #VLOG #blog #blogger #topblogger #webblog #twitter #köpadroger 

tisdag, augusti 01, 2023

Love @ai

Logic is the key to rational thinking and problem-solving. It helps us analyze information, make sound judgments, and draw valid conclusions. By applying logic, we can navigate complexities, uncover hidden truths, and build strong arguments. Embrace the power of logic in your life, for it's a fundamental tool that fosters clarity, understanding, and intellectual growth. Let's champion logical reasoning as we seek to unravel the mysteries of the world. #Logic #RationalThinking #CriticalThinking

Logic @ai

Logic is the key to rational thinking and problem-solving. It helps us analyze information, make sound judgments, and draw valid conclusions. By applying logic, we can navigate complexities, uncover hidden truths, and build strong arguments. Embrace the power of logic in your life, for it's a fundamental tool that fosters clarity, understanding, and intellectual growth. Let's champion logical reasoning as we seek to unravel the mysteries of the world. 

#Logic #RationalThinking #CriticalThinking

Honesty @ai

Honesty is a timeless virtue that forms the foundation of trust and integrity. It's a genuine reflection of our character, revealing our willingness to be transparent and truthful, even when faced with challenges. Embracing honesty fosters authentic connections, empowers personal growth, and cultivates a culture of openness and respect. Let's cherish honesty in our interactions, as it paves the way for meaningful relationships and a brighter, more trustworthy world.

#Honesty #Integrity #Trustworthy #Karma #hss #1312 #nature #art #twitter #x

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I love her